Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Difficulty of Beginning again.

Throughout my life i have been a bit of a wandering hobo.

Surely I did not technically travel around the world or even country like a military family, or like the friends i have known. I did however choose to bounce from school to school not knowing anyone when I arrived at each new place.

Starting over can be pretty great. You can rebuild your personal story however you would like. The people around you are new and any mistakes that may have haunted you in the past cant be escaped at a new place. The people are knew and Mr. Socialite Josh cannot get enough of meeting random strangers.

The negative part of this lifestyle is that you fail to gain roots. You miss out on those friends in your neighborhood that you went to school with from 2 years old. I do not think you can ever get the connection others do when they have a certain amount of time together. This is one reason that my brother and I will always be best friends. No one can replace the amount of hours we have spent in our lifetime just being there. Our shared experiences are far too numerous to count. The connection that those experiences bring really give a shared connection that is unconquerable.

I struggled for a long time because I felt that I was missing this deep connection. What a silly boy I am.

This song "Youth" by the band Daughter dives into the idea that in our eternal search for love many of us "set fire in our insides" due to the empty "silhouette" we become without THAT ONE.

I just think we all need a good smack in the face sometimes. We all have so much! It is so easy to get into the compare game. To see someone out there that has one thing we are currently searching for, wanting or even needing. How many times though is that same person looking the very same way at us?

When it comes to relationships the stories most told are the beginning and the end. We are so infatuated with how we met and how it ends. The middle is a lost, forgotten, and skipped piece of history.

The freaking middle is everything though! It is what makes relationships of any kind worth it. Those fleeting moments when you actually get to be in the presence of another person. To share the same air of another is such a gift. Seeing what someone else sees and sharing their experiences gives you just that little bit more of a connection with another human being.

Each experience is unique and whether it is walking through a park on a sunny day holding hands with a lover, or its getting into a car accident with a stranger you just met, that is something you will always share with that human being. And to me that is pretty damn special.

So do not forget to smile today and take a second to realize how every one of these moments is special. Do not forget to share them with others.

Connect. Be a part of something. And as always Love.

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